
the most inclusive museum of the Netherlands

CLIENT Muiderslot - Amsterdam Castle
assignment research, strategy & concept

Rijksmuseum Muiderslot is aiming to become a lively, magical place where there is much to discover and enjoy for a diverse audience. The Muiderslot castle wants to become ‘the most inclusive national museum in the Netherlands’ in 5 years. To achieve that, The X Culture Club started looking for the castles’ DNA.


To bind other target groups to you, you must first be convinced internally of the necessity and the opportunities and see where you can connect. After an extensive strategic trajectory and a series of face-to-face interviews with a diverse target group, there is now a strong foundation based on the idea ‘Eigenwijs since 1285’. This course fits very well with the history of the Muiderslot. Within the strategy, Muiderslot will offer a variety of programming. For example, how can the beautiful castle garden become interesting for a diverse audience? This is possible by organizing for example ‘food preserving’ workshops. After all, this was something done in the Muiderslot before it became in fashion again. In many cultures, such as Italian, Spanish, Turkish and who knows which more, wecken is very popular. #kimchi #peperoni #forgottenvegetables.